
Single Pedals


12 products

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 products

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 products
11 results
A JHS Crayon Distortion Preamp Fuzz pedal with red buttons on it.
Description: The ZVEX Effects Vexter Fuzz Factory is known for its intermodulating oscillations and octave-like fuzz, producing radically fuzzy sounds.
The ZVEX Effects Vexter Fat Fuzz Factory pedal is showcased on a black background.
A 1990's JHS orange and purple distortion fuzz pedal with cheese on it, created by the well-known JHS pedal company.
A green guitar pedal with two knobs on it, featuring classic Big Muffs and the JHS Muffuletta Distortion Fuzz pedal by JHS.
The ZVEX Effects Vertical Fuzz Factory is a versatile guitar effects pedal that offers a range of control over fuzzy sounds. The pedal features various knobs for adjusting parameters to achieve the desired tone.
An animal-themed ZVEX Effects Vexter Woolly Mammoth pedal, perfect for guitar or bass players seeking EQ control.
The Spaceman Sputnik III Deluxe Germanium Fuzz is a black and white optical compressor pedal with a high signal-to-noise ratio.
Pigtronix Star Eater Fuzz

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